dha school assessment


Dubai Heights Academy welcomes students from all nationalities, ethnicities and religions. Once completed applications are received, age appropriate admissions tests will be carried out and school places will be offered based on the results of the admission test.

We do have a provision to support children with a range of special educational needs and these will be considered on a case by case basis. School places will be offered should we be able to support the child’s needs in order to access the curriculum that Dubai Heights Academy offers.


Foundation Stage 1 and 2 play based assessments are carried out in small groups of children in one of the foundation stage classrooms. The assessors will be observing the children to ensure the following:

  • School readiness- can they separate from parents?
  • Language/Communication Skills - can they communicate with adults and children?
  • Social Development – Can they share and collaborate with others?

We have an expectation that all children will be toilet trained and not wearing nappies/diapers before they join us. If a child is not toilet trained and independent from using nappies/diapers, this will delay the enrolment and start date.

Year 1 and 2 assessments will be carried out with a classroom teacher or Key Stage Leader in a relaxed atmosphere to ensure the children feel happy and secure. The following areas will be assessed based on age related expectations:

  • Mathematics
  • Reading and comprehension
  • Writing

Year 3 - 11 assessments will be an age appropriate online assessment and will take approximately two hours. The assessment will cover the following areas:

  • Mathematics
  • Reading and comprehension
  • Writing

All assessment documents, results and assessor’s comments remain the property of Dubai Heights Academy. After the assessment, you will be contacted within a week by the registrar who will inform you of the results.

Sixth Form Assessments

Year 12 entry will be based on appropriate GCSE performance. All applicants will need to provide the following information:

  • Subjects studied
  • Predicted grades
  • Personal reference from current school



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