
Day and Residential Trips

Multiple sources indicate that outdoor learning in the form of residential programmes and school trips can be a major contributor to good health and mental wellbeing for children. Each term we factor in day trips for all year groups in and around Dubai, tying in specific topics which students have been introduced to as part of their curriculum learning. Some examples include a trip to The Dubai Aquarium for EYFS students starting their ‘Under the Sea’ topic; a trip to The Green Planet for Primary students learning about the rainforest; and a theatre trip to watch a live performance of Macbeth for our Secondary students. Those in Year 4 and above also have the opportunity to explore the outdoors through 1 or 2-night residential trips; designed to encourage them to step out of their comfort zone, feel a sense of accomplishment, freedom and independence in a safe and secure environment.

Lifelong Learning Skills

Future workforce trends and the fast-changing world requires young people of today to have an entrepreneurial mindset. This is why we endeavour to teach our students to be innovative and versatile through timetabled Social, Learning and Innovation Skills lessons; where students research, invent, create and market their masterpieces. Our ‘Kidtrepreneurs’ develop adaptability, creativity, growth mindset and many more qualities that will see them thrive and flourish in their future careers.

Student Leadership

At Dubai Heights Academy, we strongly believe in the impact that Student Leaders have in the everyday operations of the school. These roles of responsibility enable our students to model leadership, inspire peers and become change-makers. We believe that every child can be a leader and are proud to offer the following opportunities within the student body: House Captains, School Council, Unified Champions, Student Ambassadors, School Librarians, and many others planned for the near future.



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