Age Calculator

Date of Birth *

Please enter valid DOB (DD/MM/YYYY)

Academic year *

Your Age on September 1, 2020






Eligible For Year Group

Dubai Heights Academy will allocate students to the age appropriate year group, where possible (subject to assessment). Certain factors like transferring from a different curriculum may affect this decision; we will discuss the right year group for your child beforehand.

Please use the chart below to ensure that you are applying to the correct year group.

Secondary Student Applications:

Due to KHDA restrictions on transfers within Dubai for Secondary students, only overseas applications will be considered for Term 2 and Term 3.

Transfer Certificates:

KHDA require all students entering Year 2 and above to submit a valid transfer certificate. This will also have an impact on the year group of entry. Please read the Transfer Certificate section for further details.

Phase Year Group Age
Foundation Stage FS 1 3 Turning 4 on or after 1st September
---- FS 2 4 Turning 5 on or after 1st September
Key Stage 1 Year 1 5 Turning 6 on or after 1st September
---- Year 2 6 Turning 7 on or after 1st September
Key Stage 2Year 37 Turning 8 on or after 1st September
----Year 48 Turning 9 on or after 1st September
----Year 59 Turning 10 on or after 1st September
----Year 610 Turning 11 on or after 1st September
Key Stage 3Year 711 Turning 12 on or after 1st September
----Year 812 Turning 13 on or after 1st September
----Year 913 Turning 14 on or after 1st September
Key Stage 4Year 1014 Turning 15 on or after 1st September
----Year 11DHA will not accept applications for Year 11 due to GCSEs being, a closed, two-year course
Sixth FormYear 1216 Turning 17 on or after 1st September
----Year 13DHA will not accept applications for Year 13 due to A Levels being a closed, two-year course


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