Arabic & Islamic

Ministry of Education (MOE) Subjects

Arabic and Islamic
Our goal is to give our students a positive and enlightening experience by incorporating modern and traditional ways of teaching. Our Arabic and Islamic teachers come with years of experience and they strive to create the best learning journey for our students.

All students from FS1 and above have exposure to Arabic weekly and classes are divided into Arabic A for Arabic students and Arabic B for non-Arabic students from Year 1 upwards. With 60 nationalities at our school, we base the curriculum according to the abilities of our students. The children are encouraged to use Arabic in their classes, in assemblies and when conversing with their friends.

Muslim students from FS2 and above learn about the 5 Pillars of Islam and all that encompasses their faith through learning prayers and incorporating their knowledge into our values. Islamic studies are taught in both Arabic and English. Overall, our vision is to create a centre of excellence for the Arabic language and Islamic Studies dedicated to the development of intercultural dialogue and a deeper understanding of Arabic culture, heritage and traditions.

"A key strength lies in students’ listening skills. They exhibit greater confidence in speaking Arabic, especially on familiar topics with teacher support." KHDA report 2024


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